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What are Geriatric Fast Facts?

Geriatric Fast Facts are accessible, concise, and clinically actionable 1-2 page reports on Geriatric topics applicable across medical specialties. Fast Facts are interdisciplinary, spanning the progression of medical education.

Recent Fast Facts

Climate Change: Four Considerations for Older Adults - #109

There are 4 major effects of climate change that pose threats to both healthy and vulnerable older adults. 

Anticipatory Guidance for Injury Prevention: Movement Disorders - #108

Injury preventive measures and definitions of movement disorders. 

Anticipatory Guidance for Injury Prevention: Cognitive Disorders - #107

Injury preventive measures and definitions of cognitive disorders. 

Injury Prevention & Safety - #106

Injury prevention and safety are critical components of care for older adults.

Suicide Prevention in Older Adults - #105

Health-care providers must understand the prevalence of suicide in the older adult population, reasons behind older adults’ suicide attempts, and s

The 4Ms of Age Friendly Healthcare Delivery: Medications - #104

Medications is one of the 4Ms of an Age-Friendly healthcare system.

Medical College of Wisconsin
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Wisconsin Geriatric Education Center
Palliative Care Network of Wisconsin