Communication Skills
Radiation Therapy in the Management of High Risk Nonmetastatic Prostate Cancer in the Geriatric Population - #51
Describes the role of radiation therapy in the management of high risk non-metastatic prostate cancer.
Radiation Therapy in the Management of Low and Intermediate Risk Prostate Cancer in the Geriatric Population - #49
Understand the course of treatment for patients with low and intermediate risk prostate cancer.
Radiation Therapy in the Management of Early Stage Breast Cancer in the Geriatric Population - #48
Assess magnitude of benefit for radiation after breast conserving surgery.
Driving Cessation - #43
Resources available for facilitating driving cessation.
Assessing and Managing Low Vision - #32
How to manage patients once it is determined they have low vision.
Stroke Impairment & Complications Rehabilitation - #3
Review frequent impairment and complications of acute stroke.
The 4Ms of Age Friendly Healthcare Delivery: #3: Mobility - #103
Mobility is one of the 4 Ms of an Age-Friendly healthcare system. This “M” emphasizes mobility.
In 2017, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), the John A Hartford Foundation (JAHF), the American Hospital Association (AHA), and the Catholic Health Association (CHA) of the United States addressed the development of age-friendly health systems using a clinical framework to improve the complex care of older adults.
These organizations defined and operationalized age-friendly care following the guidelines of beneficence, evidence-based medicine, and patient/family aligned goals and concerns. The 4M Framework was the result: What Matters Most, Mentation, Mobility, and Medication. A 5th M is often incorporated to include Multi-Morbidity, which calls attention to the multiple, often inter-related, health problems that many older adults face. This Geriatric Fast Fact focuses on Mobility.
The 4Ms of Age Friendly Healthcare Delivery: #2 - Mentation - #102
Mentation is one of the 4Ms of an Age-Friendly healthcare system.
In 2017, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), the John A Hartford Foundation (JAHF), the American Hospital Association (AHA), and the Catholic Health Association (CHA) of the United States addressed the development of age-friendly health systems using a clinical framework to improve the complex care of older adults.
These organizations defined and operationalized age-friendly care following the guidelines of beneficence, evidence-based medicine, and patient/family aligned goals and concerns. The 4M Framework was the result: What Matters Most, Mentation, Mobility, and Medication. A 5th M is sometimes incorporated to include Multi-Morbidity, which calls attention to the multiple, often inter-related, health problems that many older adults face.
Telemedicine and Geriatric Care - #99
Older adults may have fewer options for transportation to medical appointments. Telemedicine (telephone or audio-visual communication) can improve patient health, lower healthcare costs, reduce wait times, reach a broader geographic region, and limit unnecessary exposures of patients to infection.
Alzheimer’s Association Direct Connect Referral - #96
Navigating the diagnosis and progression of Alzheimer’s Disease or another dementia can be overwhelming to patients and their caregivers.
Age Friendly Healthcare Delivery: The 4Ms - #93
The 4Ms in improving the complex care of older adults are: What Matters Most, Mentation, Mobility, and Medication.
Tips for Communicating with Older Patients - #91
Good communication with older adults and their caregivers is important to delivering high quality care.
Low Health Care Literacy and the Older Patient - #90
Health literacy refers to an individual’s ability to understand his or her health and effectively navigate the health care system.
Hip Fracture Management in Advanced Dementia Patients - #89
Determination of appropriate post-fracture management of patients with advanced dementia and hip fracture.
Conversations Surrounding STI Prevention - #84
While sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are on the rise among older adults, medical providers may associate this problem with younger populations, missing prevention and treatment opportunities.
Care Transitions: Skilled Nursing Facility to Emergency Department - #80
The challenges and potential dangers of and improvements of SNF transitions of care.
Assessment of Dementia Patients in the Emergency Department - #72
Assessing delirium in dementia patients in the emergency room
Tips for Leading Difficult Family Meetings - #59
Outline standard approaches for planning, leading, and concluding difficult family meetings with strategies for navigating conflict.
Power of Attorney for Health Care - #62
Define, compare, and contrast power of attorney for health care, surrogate decision maker, and guardian.
Advance Directives - #61
Define advance directives and the components that are commonly incorporated.
Medical Decision-making Capacity Assessment - #60
Determine an older adult’s ability to make medical decisions in a hospital or clinic setting.
Assessment of an Older Emergency Department Patient – 10 Key Points - #58
Master geriatric-specific diagnostic considerations in the assessment of an older adult in the emergency department.