Care Transitions: Skilled Nursing Facility to Emergency Department

Care Transitions: Skilled Nursing Facility to Emergency Department - #80

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The challenges and potential dangers of and improvements of SNF transitions of care.

Older adults being transferred from a skilled nursing facility to the emergency department

Identify potential challenges associated with transfer of an older adult from a skilled nursing facility (SNF) to the emergency department (ED) and opportunities to increase patient care and safety.

  1. List two internal and two external challenges encountered during SNF to ED care transitions of older adults.
  2. List two systems-based and two individual-based practice improvements in SNF to ED care transitions of older adults.
  1. LaMantia, M, et al. Emergency Department Use Among Older Adults with Dementia. Alz Dis Assoc Disord. 2016:30(1)35-40.
  2. Ouslander, J et al. Potentially avoidable hospitalizations of nursing home residents: frequency, causes, and costs. JAGS. 2010:58;727-35.
  3. Clevenger, C, et al. Clinical Care of Persons with Dementia in the Emergency Department: A Review of the Literature and Agenda for Research. JAGS.2012:60(9)1742-1748.
  4. Percentages of Nursing Homes by Annual Hospitalization Rate in FY 2011. OIG Analysis of Data on FY 2011 Hospitalization of Nursing Home Residents. 
This GFF ___ my competence in geriatrics.
  • Michael Malone, MD, Clinical Adjunct Professor, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Aurora Sinai Medical Center
  • Kathryn Hanley, MD, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Aurora Sinai Medical Center
  • Adam Perry, MD, Assistant Professor Medicine, Geisinger Commonwealth Medical College
  • Kathryn Denson, MD, Professor of Medicine (Geriatrics & Gerontology), Medical College of Wisconsin