Conversations Surrounding STI Prevention

Conversations Surrounding STI Prevention - #84

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While sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are on the rise among older adults, medical providers may associate this problem with younger populations, missing prevention and treatment opportunities.

Sexually active older adults seen in an outpatient practice setting.

Use the communication skills and question suggestions to better assess risk of STI infection in older adult patients.

  1. Identify possible reasons underlying the increased incidence of STIs in older adults
  2. Identify individuals who may benefit from prevention counseling
  3. List counseling skills to aid in taking a sexual history with older adults
  4. Identify direct, targeted questions to understand patient STI risk
  1. Harvard Health Publishing. (2018, February). Sexually transmitted disease? At my age? Retrieved from
  2. Division of STD Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, October 10). 2015 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines. Retrieved from
  3. Patients over 60? Screen for STIs. Athenahealth, 16 May 2018,
This GFF ___ my competence in geriatrics.

Emily Kistler, Student Pharmacist, University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy

Diana Mansour, Student Pharmacist, University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy

Jennifer Pruskowski, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP, CPE, Assistant Professor | University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy and Therapeutics, Palliative Care Clinical Pharmacy Specialist | UPMC Palliative and Supportive Institute (PSI)