Falls Risk Factors & Interventions - #16
Take QuizIdentify fall risk factors and common interventions that decrease fall risk.
Risk Factors | Interventions |
Postural hypotension: drop in systolic P ≥20 mmHg or to < 90 mm Hg on standing |
Benzodiazepine or other sedatives |
medications |
Environmental hazards |
Impaired gait or balance |
Transfer skills |
Impairment in leg/arm muscle strength or ROM |
Elderly patients who have fallen or are at high risk for falls
Use the table below to identify risk factors for falls, as well as patient and environmental interventions that may decrease falls.
Studies have shown that the relative risk reduction for a group of elderly patients enrolled in a multi-disciplinary, multi-faceted, falls prevention program was 0.39 when compared to the control group.(1)
- List 5 patient risk factors that may predispose a patient to fall.
- List 10 interventions that may be instituted to decrease fall risk.
Review of Systems (ROS)
Geriatric Topics
ACGME Compentencies
Science Principles
- Fuller, G. F. Falls in the elderly. Am Fam Physician. 2000 Apr 1; 61(7):2159-2168. Table was adapted from the same article
Users are free to download and distribute Geriatric Fast Facts for informational, educational, and research purposes only. Citation: Yana Thaker, Kathyrn Denson MD, Fast Fact #016: Falls Risk Factors & Interventions. February 2012.
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