An 83 year old man arrives via EMS unaccompanied from a skilled nursing facility after a fall. He has had multiple recent falls prompting two ED visits in the last week. He is 2 weeks status post surgical repair of a hip fracture.
Past medical history includes: right hip hemi-arthroplasty, atrial fibrillation, aortic valve replacement, hypertension, depression
Medications -warfarin, digoxin, furosemide, metoprolol, citalopram
- Exam - HR-62 / BP-108/60 / RR-16 / T-97F / Pox - 96% RA / Glucose 103
He is sleeping, arouses briefly, falls asleep readily. Sparse but clear speech. No acute traumatic injury. Abdominal and thoracic exams are benign. Mucous membranes dry. No focal motor, sensory, cranial nerve, or cerebellar neurologic findings. Orientation 2/5. Three item recall 2/3. He is unable to readily recite the months of the year backwards. Well healing surgical site.
This is a three question multiple choice quiz.