Injury and Trauma
Recognizing and Identifying Elder Abuse & Neglect - #35
Approximately 11.4% of adults over the age of 60 years will experience some form of mistreatment.
Peri-operative Management of Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders in the State of Wisconsin - #33
A summary of the risk factors, incidence, and survival associated with intraoperative cardiac arrest.
Anticipatory Guidance for Injury Prevention: Movement Disorders - #108
Injury preventive measures and definitions of movement disorders.
Anticipatory Guidance for Injury Prevention: Cognitive Disorders - #107
Injury preventive measures and definitions of cognitive disorders.
Injury Prevention & Safety - #106
Injury prevention and safety are critical components of care for older adults.
The 4Ms of Age Friendly Healthcare Delivery: #3: Mobility - #103
Mobility is one of the 4 Ms of an Age-Friendly healthcare system. This “M” emphasizes mobility.
In 2017, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), the John A Hartford Foundation (JAHF), the American Hospital Association (AHA), and the Catholic Health Association (CHA) of the United States addressed the development of age-friendly health systems using a clinical framework to improve the complex care of older adults.
These organizations defined and operationalized age-friendly care following the guidelines of beneficence, evidence-based medicine, and patient/family aligned goals and concerns. The 4M Framework was the result: What Matters Most, Mentation, Mobility, and Medication. A 5th M is often incorporated to include Multi-Morbidity, which calls attention to the multiple, often inter-related, health problems that many older adults face. This Geriatric Fast Fact focuses on Mobility.
Hip Fracture Management in Advanced Dementia Patients - #89
Determination of appropriate post-fracture management of patients with advanced dementia and hip fracture.
Acute Ischemic Stroke - #54
Non-contrast CT is the initial diagnostic test to evaluate for acute ischemia and rule out hemorrhage.
Introduction to Patient Safety - #47
Understand key concepts in patient safety in any care setting.
Fluoroscopy - #30
Learn necessary positioning and mobility requirements for geriatric patients undergoing a fluoroscopic study.
Managing Pain in Elderly Rib Fracture Patients (>65 years) - #9
Review an algorithm for pain management of rib fractures.